Get help after your Oklahoma truck accident from an attorney who knows the trucking industry’s tricks and the insurance companies’ games
Truck Accidents
Every time we get into a car, we run the risk of an accident, but that doesn’t make being in a crash any easier to accept. Truck accidents can be much more devastating than passenger vehicle collisions, and unfortunately, Oklahomans have a much greater likelihood of being involved in one.

Agricultural Vehicles
Many of the nation’s fruits and vegetables are grown right here in the heartland. The problem is that the industry takes an enormous amount of power, including some gigantic machines. Trucks, tractors, tractor-trailers and semis are a large part of the industry. When semi accidents in Oklahoma occur during transport, their large size and immense weight can lead to major injuries and catastrophe for passenger vehicle victims.
Interstate Trucking
After it has been plucked and gathered, all that produce needs to be transported to the rest of America. Fully loaded commercial trucks and semis clog the main arteries of Oklahoma with their heavy cargo as they rush to meet deadlines. It takes an enormous amount of power to stop an enormous vehicle with that much momentum, much more power than the average automobile. If you have been injured in a trucking accident while driving on I-40, I-35, I-44, I-240, US 270, US 77, Route 66 or another road or highway, The Buxton Law Group can help you get the assistance you need.

Tourism & Travel
Since the intersection of I-35, I-44, and I-40 is one of the most centrally located intersections in the US, cross-country drivers typically pass through Oklahoma. The state also contains the longest drivable stretch of Route 66, and some motorists can’t resist taking a tour down the one of the oldest highways in America. If you’re injured in a truck wreck while traveling through Oklahoma, you may make the mistake of waiting until you get home to talk to a lawyer or seek medical help. Don’t wait. Your hometown attorney may not be able to practice in Oklahoma and won’t necessarily be aware of all the local laws and regulations. As for medical care, our area is home to some of the country’s finest doctors and hospitals. Jim Buxton consults with experts in the Oklahoma City medical community who are all too familiar with serious trucking accidents, and he knows the state and local transportation laws that your lawyer back home may not.
Oil & Gas
Oklahoma boasts the second-greatest number of active drilling rigs in the nation. As the nation’s fifth-largest producer of crude oil, Americans rely heavily on the industry not just to get us where we’re going, but to supply our power when we arrive. That oil, as well as natural gas, is shipped via semi-truck along the major interstate highways. Despite numerous safety precautions, these types of cargo are still highly flammable, and when they collide with something, you can be injured up to a mile away from the impact.

Since the risks involved with allowing these large commercial vehicles to share the road with everyday commuters are so great, it makes sense that they are governed by strict laws. This also means that filing claims against tractor-trailers and semi-truck drivers or owners can be complicated, and if your injuries are serious the stakes are high. The various state and federal laws and regulations that apply to commercial carriers differ from those that apply to cars, and you need a personal injury attorney in Oklahoma who knows the difference.